Tee-ball 樂樂棒

Reading 文章閱讀

Tee-ball is a fun and exciting game! In tee-ball, there are two teams. Each team takes turns hitting a ball off a tee and running to bases to score runs. The other team tries to catch the ball and tag the runners out. The goal is to score more runs than the other team. Tee-ball helps us learn to hit, catch, throw, and work as a team. Remember to play safe and have fun!


Vocabulary 字彙

tee-ball - We play tee-ball in PE class.
bat - He swings the bat.
ball - Hit the ball off the tee.
base - Run to the base quickly.
team - Our team works well together.
player - Each player takes a turn.
hit - She hit the ball far.
catch - Try to catch the ball.
throw - Throw the ball to first base.
run - Run to the next base.
score - We scored a run.
safe - She was safe at home plate.
coach - The coach helps us play.
field - The field is ready for the game.
glove - Wear your glove to catch the ball.

樂樂棒球 - 我們在體育課玩樂樂棒球。

球棒 - 他揮動球棒。

- 把球從球座上打出去。

- 快跑向壘包。

隊伍 - 我們的隊伍合作得很好。

球員 - 每個球員輪流上場。

擊球 - 她把球打得很遠。

接球 - 試著接住球。

投球 - 把球傳到一壘。

- 跑向下一個壘包。

得分 - 我們得了一分。

安全 - 她在本壘安全得分。

教練 - 教練幫助我們學習比賽。

球場 - 球場準備好了。

手套 - 戴上你的手套接球。

More 更多學習資源

Are you ready for some fun and excitement in tee-ball? Two teams take turns hitting a ball off a tee and running to bases to score runs. The other team tries to catch the ball and tag the runners out. The goal is to score more runs than the other team. But tee-ball is more than just a game; it helps us learn important skills like hitting, catching, and throwing. It also teaches us how to work as a team to achieve our goals. So get out there, play safe, and have fun!
