Dodgeball 躲避球

Reading 文章閱讀

Dodgeball is a fun game! In dodgeball, there are two teams. Each team tries to hit players on the other team with a ball. If you get hit by the ball, you are out. The goal is to get all the players on the other team out. Dodgeball helps us run fast, throw well, and work as a team. Remember to play safe and have fun!


Vocabulary 字彙

dodgeball - We play dodgeball in PE class.

game - This game is fun.

team - Our team wins the game.

player - I am a player.

hit - The ball hit me.

goal - The goal is to win.

throw - Throw the ball hard.

fast - She runs very fast.

together - Let's play together.

safe - Be safe when you play.

躲避球 - 我們在體育課玩躲避球。

遊戲 - 這個遊戲很好玩。

隊伍 - 我們的隊伍贏了比賽。

球員 - 我是一名球員。

打到 - 球打到我了。

目標 - 目標是獲勝。

- 用力投球。

- 她跑得非常快。

一起 - 我們一起玩吧。

安全 - 玩的時候要安全。

