Basketball 籃球

Reading 文章閱讀

Basketball is a fast-paced and exciting game! In basketball, there are two teams. Each team tries to score points by shooting the ball into the other team's basket. Players dribble, pass, and shoot the ball while defending their own basket. The goal is to score more points than the other team. Basketball helps us improve our coordination, teamwork, and fitness. Remember to play fair and have fun!


Vocabulary 字彙

basketball - We play basketball in PE class.
dribble - Dribble the ball down the court.
shoot - Shoot the ball into the basket.
pass - Pass the ball to your teammate.
team - Our team works well together.
player - Each player has a position.
coach - The coach gives us instructions.
court - The game is played on a basketball court.
hoop - Aim for the hoop when you shoot.
rebound - Grab the rebound after a missed shot.
defense - Play good defense to stop the other team.
offense - Our offense is very strong.
foul - A foul was called on the player.
free throw - She made a free throw.
drill - We practiced a new drill today.

籃球 - 我們在體育課玩籃球。

運球 - 把球運到球場另一端。

投籃 - 把球投進籃框。

傳球 - 把球傳給你的隊友。

隊伍 - 我們的隊伍合作得很好。

球員 - 每個球員都有一個位置。

教練 - 教練給我們指導。

球場 - 比賽在籃球場上進行。

籃框 - 投籃時瞄準籃框。

籃板 - 抓住未中投籃後的籃板球。

防守 - 打好防守來阻止對方。

進攻 - 我們的進攻很強。

犯規 - 球員被判犯規。

罰球 - 她投中了罰球。

訓練 - 我們今天練習了一個新訓練項目。

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