Welcome to Hosin Elementary School 

At Hosin Elementary School, we are dedicated to providing our students with a diverse range of learning opportunities and to promoting sustainable development within our school environment. Our aim is to foster intellectual curiosity, physical well-being, and a sense of responsibility towards the environment in our students.

Holistic Education

We believe in a holistic approach to education, ensuring that students develop skills and knowledge across various fields. Our curriculum encompasses academic subjects, languages, physical education, and information technology, among others.

Environmental Sustainability

One of the unique features of Hosin Elementary School is our commitment to environmental sustainability. Our campus boasts an eco-friendly environment which includes:

Ecological Pond: A thriving habitat that enables students to observe and learn about various aquatic species.

Native Fish Gallery: A dedicated space where students can learn about and interact with a variety of indigenous fish species.

Tortoise Garden: A serene and educational area where students can engage with and learn about tortoises.

Through these specialized environments, our students have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the natural world and the importance of sustainability.

Join Us

Whether you’re a current or prospective parent, a student, or a community member, we invite you to explore our website and learn more about Hosin Elementary School's exciting programs and initiatives.














Latest News 

On October 10th, Hosin Elementary School celebrated the completion of our new tortoise habitat, 'Tortoise Home,' after nearly two years of construction! We’ve put up signs and information boards to share more about these special animals.

Thanks to the generous donations from friends who care about our school, students now have the chance to learn more about the Sulcata tortoises. These tortoises are the third-largest land tortoises in the world and can live up to 70 years! They are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants, and their unique jagged shells make them fascinating creatures.

Earlier, students got to name the tortoises through a fun school-wide vote. We hope everyone will continue to show love and care for our school’s new tortoises and their special home.

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tortoise - 陸龜

habitat - 棲息地

construction - 建設

sign - 標誌

information board - 資訊板

donation - 捐贈

Sulcata tortoise - 蘇卡達象龜

land tortoise - 陸龜

herbivore - 草食性動物

jagged shell - 鋸齒狀的龜殼

creature - 生物

vote - 投票

generous - 慷慨的

special - 特別的

learn - 學習

fascinating - 迷人的

care - 關心

chance - 機會